Near the village of Záborské, not far from Prešov, a promising industrial and logistics zone has been developing in recent years. In addition to the existing warehouses of Lidl, Billa, Volvo Truck, there has also been land owned by our company since 2008. At the end of 2020, we bought another 6 ha in addition to the original 4 ha, which created a nice rectangular plot. With its shape and location, it connects the entire logistics area, thus offering the opportunity for further, meaningful development.

The project of the Záborská logistics center envisages construction for next year
The Záborská Logistics Center is a production and warehouse hall project, the purpose of which is to expand logistics capacities in the regional city. The project envisages the construction of a production and storage hall with an area of approximately 40,000 m2, parking lots, sidewalks, technical infrastructure and roads with handling areas. Due to the size of the project, we also incorporated an adequate amount of greenery into the design. Currently, the project is in the state of territorial proceedings, EIA is underway and we believe that all permits will be issued in the summer of this year.

Although the project of the Záborská Logistics Center is designed on our land, we will not continue its implementation. The continuation of this project will be under the direction of our partner, who will take over the project after obtaining the necessary permits. In general, construction is expected to start in 2022, with total investment costs estimated at around € 15 million.
Our Hobby Park and Radvaň Park projects helped the development of cities. Záborské is the same case
Prešov, in our opinion, has a number of territories that deserve to be developed in a meaningful way. Turn unused land into functioning urban units that will enrich the lives of the city’s inhabitants, create new jobs and possibly solve a transport or logistics problem. One of them was the location by the river Sekčov, unused two years ago, empty. Today, our Hobby Park Prešov stands here, which has created a completely new retail hobby zone for the inhabitants of the regional city and the surrounding area, and at the same time solves an important public benefit construction within the city.
Another example of successful development, from land to urban planning, is Radvaň Park in Banská Bystrica. At the beginning in 2007, as in Prešov, there was only an unused field in this place. With dozens of versions of the drawings, we have created the use and appearance of the area, which today serves as a well-established retail zone.