A key element in the project was and remains the relocation of the second class road
The relocation of the second-class road, or professionally named the Vrakuna bypass, is projected as a direct continuation of Galvaniho Street. This road should significantly help the whole of Vrakuna, as access to the city part is so far only possible via Podunajské Biskupice or on Hradská Street, which collapses almost every day. The new transfer should largely divert traffic to the surrounding municipalities and thus relieve the city district from traffic collapses.
Despite the fact that the implementation of the transfer of route II / 572 would be, regardless of the 4th Quadrant project, a beneficial solution not only for the city of Bratislava but also the entire Bratislava region, some negative opinions were issued on its implementation in the past. Although this road is also in the zoning plan of the city of Bratislava and there is also a technical study of NDS, it contains several “specialties” that need to be addressed.
Political climate change has reopened the issue of relocation
At the end of 2020, the area was bought by a new owner with the aim of renovating the project, including transfer II / 572. Atrios chose as a local partner for this project, based on his experience in logistic development and coordination of all institutions needed for the implementation of the transfer and the 4th Quadrant project.
After an agreement on mutual cooperation, the first step on our part was the implementation of an urban study. Its result confirmed the compliance of the project intention with the possibilities of using this area in the Master Plan of the City of Bratislava. The affected zone, which we are dealing with, is about 40 hectares, although the entire territory of the 4th quadrant is about twice as large. However, it is privately owned by other owners.

After a more detailed analysis, acquaintance with the project and its obstacles in the past, it turned out that the problem is not the project of the logistics hall itself, but the just mentioned relocation. In the interest of the investor and the city district, we have taken steps towards the institutions involved. Interviews with them have shown us that it is in everyone’s interest for this project to come to life and for transfer II 572 to take place. This is an initial and very important step, which we perceive very positively.
We have received very important support from the Ministry of Transport
The need to implement relocations in this locality is also felt at the Ministry of Transport. After consultation with the State Secretary of the Ministry, Project 4 of the Quadrant received full support and a pledge of assistance. As the Ministry of Transport includes key institutions that will be involved in the project implementation process, we rate this step as one of the most fundamental.

The first stage of the Logistics Center 4th Quadrant
In the first stage of the prepared project, the EIA procedure is currently underway. On social networks, for obvious reasons, there are heated debates about the even greater traffic load of busy roads. However, we closely coordinate the transport connection of the first stage, as well as the development of the entire project, with the Vrakuňa district, where the mayor raised a clear requirement that freight transport should not burden those roads that are currently collapsing. Therefore, the first stage in Vrakun is connected via roads leading along the industrial zone at the WWTP with connection via the new bridge over the Little Danube. We consider this connection to be temporary, as a quality transport connection is important for the whole project, and in general for any logistics center. In this case, it is Transfer II 572.

We perceive as a contribution to the project not only the Vrakune bypass itself, part of which will be built by the investor at his own expense, but also the reconstruction of roads within the temporary connection. This, together with the bypass, will create a full-fledged connection between Vrakun and the city of Bratislava in the future.
We expect a building permit in the course of 2022
Construction of the first stage of project 4th quadrant consists of a hall with a usable area of 20,000 square meters and from the investor’s point of view is planned for 2023. This time horizon of course depends on the willingness and coordination of relevant authorities and institutions, the investor is ready to implement the project as soon as. The first stage envisages the construction of a logistics hall with a usable area of approximately 28,000 square meters and the relevant part of the transfer. Any further construction is conditioned by the municipality and the management of the city district on the full implementation of the transfer.
We note that in the matter of arguing over alternative forms of land use on which the 4th Quadrant project is planned, there is no need to question the validity of the zoning plan. This territory is designated by code 502, which belongs to the mixed territory of trade and productive and non-productive services.
Atrios in the project
Investor confidence is important to us in every project. 4. Quadrant is just such a project, where thanks to the trust of the investor, we can provide comprehensive development services from the preparation of documentation, engineering to project management and project management. The 4th Quadrant project at the airport promises a modern logistics center and at the same time an undeniable benefit for the inhabitants of Vrakun and Bratislava in general. We are glad that we can be part of such a complex project.